Collective Care Supports is an independent, community based organisation that delivers personalised support to members of our community with respect, authenticity and care.

If you are aged between 7 and 65, a local area coordinator can help you to understand the NDIS, apply and connect with other government and community supports.
If you have a child aged under 7, an early childhood partner can provide supports to children before they apply, and let families know if the NDIS is right for their child.
You can take the NDIS Eligibility Checklist online on the NDIS website.
Am I eligible for NDIS Funding?
Once you have checked your eligibility and you want to apply you can:
make a verbal application by calling the NDIS on 1800 800 110
complete an Access Request Form and return it to the NDIS
If you need help to apply, please contact your local area coordinator, early childhood partner or NDIA office. The Access Request Form is available on the NDIS website with more information on how you can apply.
How do I access the NDIS?
If you have been advised that you do not meet eligibility criteria for the NDIS, there are alternative ways for people with disability to access support to help them achieve their goals.
Contact your NDIS Local Area Coordinator (LAC).
The Queensland Community Support Scheme is available to people with disability who are not eligible for the NDIS, or who have chronic illness, mental health or other circumstance that impact your ability to live independently in the community.
What if I am not eligible for the NDIS and require more supports?
Your funding is based on what is ‘reasonable and necessary’ to pursue your goals, in addition to the support provided by family, friends, and other community and government services.
The types of supports that the NDIS may fund for participants include:
transport to enable participation in community, social, economic and daily life activities
therapeutic supports including behaviour support
What supports and services are funded by the NDIS?
workplace help to allow a participant to successfully get or keep employment in the open or supported labour market
help with household tasks to allow the participant to maintain their home environment
home modification design and construction, mobility equipment, and vehicle modifications.
The NDIS Act and the rules made under the NDIS Act also tell us which supports will not be funded by the NDIS. The NDIS cannot fund a support that is:
the responsibility of another government system or community service
not related to a person’s disability
relates to day-to-day living costs that are not related to a participant's support needs, or
is likely to cause harm to the participant or pose a risk to others.
What supports are NOT funded by the NDIS?
The NDIS funds a range of supports and services which may include education, employment, social participation, independence, living arrangements and health and wellbeing. In order to be considered reasonable and necessary, a support or service:
must be related to a participant’s disability
must not include day-to-day living costs not related to your disability support needs, such as groceries
What supports are considered Reasonable & Necessary?
should represent value for money
must be likely to be effective and work for the participant, and
should take into account support given to you by other government services, your family, carers, networks and the community.
Updated information about what the NDIS considers when making decisions under the NDIS is available online NDIS Guidelines.
Support coordination helps you to make the best use of your supports in plan. Support coordination is a capacity building support which helps you to:
Understand and use your NDIS plan to pursue your goals
Connect you with NDIS providers, community, mainstream and other government services
Do I need Support Coordination?
Build your confidence and skills to use and coordinate your supports.
A support coordinator or specialist support coordinator delivers support coordination services.
If you believe you may be eligible for Support Coordination your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) can assist you with requesting funding for support coordination in your planning meeting and connect you with a support coordinator.
You can ask your LAC about the supports available in your community, even if you're not eligible for an NDIS support plan.
Partners delivering LAC services will also work to make your community more welcoming and inclusive. LAC's can help you to:
Understand and access the NDIS
Create a plan
Implement your plan
Review your plan
What is a Local Area Coordinator (LAC)?
Plan management is when a provider supports you to manage funding in your NDIS plan. These providers are known as plan managers.
Plan management is different from having the NDIA manage funding in your NDIS plan, or you choosing to self-manage your plan. More information on ways to manage your funding.
What is Plan Management?
A plan manager can help you:
increase your financial and plan management skills
learn how to self-manage your plan
pay providers
increase your choice of providers
get NDIS plan budget reports and greater budget oversight.
Your Core budget is made up of supports that will help you go about your daily life while working towards your goals and objectives. It is split into four categories and funding is flexible across all categories:
Assistance with Daily Living
Assistance with Social and Community Participation
What are Core Supports?
4. Finding and Keeping a Job
5. Improved Relationships
6. Improved Health and Wellbeing
7. Improved Daily Living
8. Improved Life Choices
9. Improved Learning
There are nine Capacity Building support categories. You will not automatically receive funding for all nine; the goals outlined in your National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan determine was categories you receive funding for.
Support Coordination
Improved Living Arrangements
Increased Social and Community Participation
What are Capacity Building Supports?
Types of Capital Supports include:
Assistive Technology
Vehicle Modifications
Home Modifications
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
The Capital support budget relates to investments such as assistive technology equipment, home or vehicle modifications, or specialist disability equipment. The funding for supports will include assessment, delivery, set-up, adjustment and maintenance costs as needed.
What are Capital Supports?
Sources of Information
NDIS Eligibility Checklist: https://www.ndis.gov.au/applying-access-ndis/am-i-eligible
Access Request Form/Apply for NDIS: https://www.ndis.gov.au/applying-access-ndis/how-apply
Local Area Coordinators (LAC): https://www.ndis.gov.au/understanding/what-ndis/whos-delivering-ndis/lac-partners-community#role-of-local-area-coordination-lac
NDIS Guidelines: https://ourguidelines.ndis.gov.au/
Disability Support Guide: https://www.disabilitysupportguide.com.au/information/article/what-is-capacity-building-support
NDIS Managing your Funding: https://www.ndis.gov.au/participants/creating-your-plan/ways-manage-your-funding/plan-management